
He Broke Up With His Fiancée Since She Didn’t Tell Her Male Best Friend That She Was Engaged, And He Believes She Was Saving The Guy As A Backup Plan

Eugenio Marongiu
Eugenio Marongiu - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old man got engaged to his 30-year-old fiancée around three weeks ago. They dated for five years, and he decided it was time to pop the question once he’d saved up enough money to give his fiancée the wedding she’d always dreamed of.

Then, a couple of days ago, they jumped right into the planning process and began discussing their guest list. During this conversation, he asked whether his fiancée wanted to invite her best friend, a 30-year-old man named James.

Apparently, James lived in another state, but he knew that his fiancée had been friends with James for 10 years. He was willing to pay any travel expenses to make sure his fiancée’s best friend was there for her big day.

To his surprise, though, she turned down the idea of inviting James, saying it would be too much work to get him to the event. His fiancée also claimed that she wanted their nuptials to be for family only.

This set off alarm bells in his head, as she’d stated James was like family to her countless times in the past. That’s why he insisted on inviting the guy to their wedding, and his fiancée became really annoyed.

Eventually, she also admitted how she hadn’t even told James that they were engaged.

He was completely caught off guard, and his fiancée wouldn’t tell him the reason why their engagement was kept a secret, no matter how many times he asked.

“And I admit, my insecurity got the better of me,” he recalled.

He knew that James had confessed to having feelings for his fiancée in the past, and at the time, she’d friend-zoned him. Still, according to him, it seemed like his fiancée was saving James as a “backup.”

Eugenio Marongiu – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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