
He And His Girlfriend Keep Running Into Her Past Hookup, And He Wants Her To Stop Hugging The Guy Every Single Time They See Him

Drobot Dean
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

One of the toughest parts about ending a fling or relationship is running into your past partner while you’re simply out and about in your local town. Unless you move away, this is basically inevitable for most of us at some point or another.

But unfortunately, this 32-year-old guy has been having these uncomfortable run-ins more often than not. And they’re not even with his own past partner, but rather his girlfriend’s old hookup.

For some context, his girlfriend is 30 years old, and around a year ago, she hooked up with another man before they started dating. Since then, they have kept running into the man completely coincidentally.

The main problem for him is how his girlfriend reacts during these encounters. Apparently, she always hugs the man.

“Every time they notice each other, they exchange a hug and a few words,” he explained.

He clarified that they weren’t flirting with each other during the hug or doing anything inappropriate. Nonetheless, watching them embrace makes him uncomfortable, given the fact that his girlfriend has hooked up with the man in the past.

“And that she feels the need to hug him instead of just waving and saying hi in passing,” he added.

The first time this occurred, he let it slide and thought a hug was “understandable.” However, after they started encountering the man more often, and his girlfriend kept hugging him, he felt something was off.

He tried talking to his girlfriend about how uncomfortable it made him on multiple occasions, but she kept disregarding his feelings.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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