Categories: Advice

Changing Your Career At 30 Might Sound Scary, But It Could Also Be The Best Decision Of Your Life

Katharina Buczek

The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer. After pursuing an expensive degree, getting through your first entry-level job, and finally achieving some semblance of financial stability, leaving your career behind at 30 to embark on new endeavors can be downright terrifying.

You’ve spent the better part of a decade learning your current craft, honing your network, and building a name for yourself. Calling it quits and moving on now would just bulldoze all of your hard work, right?

Well, if you’re unhappy, that’s not necessarily the case.

First of all, we shouldn’t let ourselves fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy, a phenomenon in which people are hesitant to abandon their current course solely because they’ve already invested heavily in it in the past.

And if you wake up for work every single day dreading your job, you shouldn’t have to continue feeding the anxiety, dread, and sadness of your future.

No matter what your parents, friends, or your own inner thoughts tell you, switching directions is completely possible at 30, and it might be the best decision you ever make for your mental health.

Yes, You Can Start Fresh At 30

You might feel like you’re late in the game for a career change, but 30 is arguably the best period of your life to make this transition.

If you planned to stay in the corporate game until 40, 50, or even 60 years old, you probably have fewer responsibilities now than you would then. The same can be said about your personal life, too.

mary_markevich – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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