
At A Dump In England, An 11-Year-Old Boy Found A Rare 500-Year-Old Print Made By A Famous German Renaissance Artist That Recently Sold At Auction For About $40,000

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Thirteen years ago, an 11-year-old boy in England discovered an elaborate-looking piece of artwork at a dump site and decided to take it home with him.

For over a decade, he stored it in his home. Little did he know that he had a rare 500-year-old Renaissance print in his possession. Recently, it was put up for auction and sold for about $40,000.

At the age of 11, Mat Winter was exploring a dump when an ornately detailed engraving in a mound of trash caught his eye.

The garbage was in the back of a woman’s car. When he asked the woman if he could have it, she said yes.

Since he was a kid, Winter had been intrigued by antiques and would regularly search for treasure in the local dump.

Winter is now 24-years-old. This year, he took the engraving to an auction house in Staffordshire, England, called Rare Book Auctions to get it appraised.

“When the vendor said it had been rescued from a dump, I didn’t expect much,” said Jim Spencer, director of the auction house.

“I felt a shiver of excitement as soon as I looked upon this print…and I was straight on a train to the British Museum.”

Winter’s childhood hobby paid off. Spencer knew immediately that the engraving was the work of Albrecht Dürer, a famous German Renaissance artist. Dürer was born in 1471 and was a contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci.

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