
A Mom Accused Her Of Being A Predator Because She Visited Her Hospitalized Child

side view of empty hospital bed in clinic chamber
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only

While there are often a lot of depressing scenes in a hospital, one of the most depressing is seeing a sick patient with no visitors.

A mother recently got into trouble with another child’s mom after she repeatedly visited her daughter in the same hospital her kid was in because she thought she had no one visiting her.

She is the mother of a young girl who is tragically in the hospital for organ failure as a result of an eating disorder.

She doesn’t have to work and feels fortunate to be able to stay at the hospital with her daughter all the time.

During her daughter’s stay, she noticed there was a teenage girl in the room next to her who was admitted for her intestinal disorder. She found out her name was Mila, and she was only 15-years-old.

“She’s been here for about three weeks now [and] she always leaves her door open so she can talk to anyone hanging out by her room,” she explained.

“I decided to start talking to her because I’d never seen her with a visitor, and she’s really a sweet kid.”

She learned a lot about Mila’s background, including that this was her sixth hospital stay, and she kept getting readmitted because her medications weren’t working.

Mila explained that she has a mom but that her family lives two hours away from the hospital, and she has four other siblings, so her mom can’t be there more than once or twice a week. To make things sadder, Mila’s dad hadn’t visited her at all.

side view of empty hospital bed in clinic chamber
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only

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