
A Guy Got Her Number Off Her Luggage Tag At An Airport, Then Creepily Texted Her

Travel and technology. Pretty young woman using smartphone waiting for boarding in airport terminal.
luengo_ua - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Your luggage tag absolutely contains sensitive information, such as your full name, address, and phone number.

But you never think that it will be used outside of the airport context, i.e., in case your luggage gets lost and the airport needs to track you down.

Well, allow Kirstin to explain to you exactly why you should take care with your luggage tag from now on.

Kirstin, who goes by @kir.a.lo on TikTok, was sitting in the airport one day waiting for her layover flight when the creepiest thing happened to her.

She received a text from an unknown number, which read, “Hi Kristin, my name is Nate. I saw you and thought you were so beautiful, so I had to find a way to talk to you.”

“I saw your number on your luggage tag and decided to text you. I promise this isn’t as weird as it seems! Give a guy a chance?”

First of all, Kirstin called out the fact that Nate didn’t even get her name right; he referred to her as Kristin.

Secondly, Kirstin remarked that if Nate felt the need to talk to her that badly, he should have approached her in person and said something to her face instead of choosing to send her a message with creeper vibes.

Opting to hunt down her number and send an anonymous text isn’t something your average person would do.

Travel and technology. Pretty young woman using smartphone waiting for boarding in airport terminal.
luengo_ua – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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