
Upon Learning Her Fiancé Was Cheating On Her With Her Best Friend, She Cut Him Off Financially And Kicked Him Out

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman and her fiancé Jake, who is 34, have been together for five years, and just last year, he finally popped the question.

So, they officially got engaged. But their finances have not exactly been split fair and square.

Since she earns a lot more at her job than Jake, she has actually been covering the bulk of their expenses.

“I even added Jake to my credit cards to help him out,” she said.

However, after discovering that her fiancé had completely stabbed her in the back by cheating on her with her best friend, she ripped her financial support right out from under him.

For some context, she and her best friend Emily, who’s 31, have been super close ever since they met back in college. She genuinely viewed Emily as a sister.

It made her happy that Emily and Jake hit it off, too, and the three of them would often hang out together.

Then, only a few weeks ago, everything changed when she noticed Jake started acting weird.

“Being secretive with his phone, taking calls in another room, and constantly texting. I couldn’t shake the feeling something was off,” she recalled.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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