
The Tomb Of St. Teresa Of Avila Was Opened For The First Time In 110 Years, But Her Body Showed No Signs Of Significant Decay

The saint’s heart and a detached arm were preserved as holy relics in the coffin as well. One of her hands was also preserved, but it has been kept separately in the town of Ronda. It has been taken to Alba de Tormes for research purposes.

Next, the researchers will analyze the images they collected so they can figure out the best methods of preservation for St. Teresa’s remains, ensuring that they stay in excellent condition for a long time.

St. Teresa was the founder of a new type of Carmelite community in 1562 in Spain. The new order was known as the Discalced Carmelites.

They walked around barefoot or with sandals. St. Teresa was also recognized for her dedication to the church and her contributions to Catholic spirituality. To this day, she is still popular among modern Catholics.

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