
She’s Worried It Was Rude Of Her To Ask Her Brother If She Can Wear A Suit To His Wedding Instead Of A Dress

Lila and Ted finally replied that it wouldn’t be a problem for her to wear something other than a dress, as they had been thinking about including outfits that have pants, not skirts, but are super flowy.

She then told Lila and Ted that she would really like to wear that so she could spend their whole wedding being comfortable instead of uneasy in her clothes.

“I just explained how I felt,” she said. “That I really hate the more girly look of dresses and have no interest in wearing any frilly fluffy thing if I have the choice.”

“My mom just kept motioning to shut up like I was doing something wrong. Lila said that she would definitely see about it but didn’t seem bothered at all.”

“My brother just kind of lost interest in the conversation while playing with his fur baby, so I’m sure they’ll talk more about it later, but I just feel like it’s now my fault for ruining their “perfect wedding plans” all because of my preference in the clothing I wear.”

She honestly just hates dresses with all of her heart, but she’s left wondering if it was rude of her to ask Ted and Lila if it’s alright for her to wear a suit as a bridesmaid instead, given her mom’s reaction.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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