
She’s Skipping Her Sister’s Wedding Because Her Ex-Fiancé, Who Cheated On Her With A Mutual Friend, Is Also Invited

That’s why she tried to tell her sister that she simply wouldn’t feel comfortable with Brad there, and perhaps surprisingly, her sister didn’t seem to care.

Emily actually claimed it was her wedding and that she needed to get over it. Her sister proceeded to say that Brad wasn’t attending to hurt her and that seeing him would be “good closure” after two years.

She had no idea how to respond to her sister, either, so she wound up telling Emily that she needed some time to think.

Now she is currently in a new relationship with her boyfriend. After talking to him, as well as some of her close friends, she realized that she just couldn’t be at Emily’s nuptials if her ex-fiancé were there.

“I’m not going to the wedding. I love my sister, but this feels like a betrayal, and I don’t want to ruin her day by having a panic attack or causing a scene,” she reasoned.

Yet, unfortunately, the rest of her family doesn’t understand where she’s coming from. Her mom believes she’s acting selfish, and while her dad is staying out of it, she can tell he is disappointed in her.

Her brother got involved as well and texted her that the day was supposed to be about Emily, not her.

“I get it, but I also feel like I’m being asked to sacrifice my own mental well-being for the sake of someone who hasn’t even considered how hard this is for me,” she vented.

Regardless, with practically all of her relatives against her on this, she’s not sure if missing her sister’s wedding really would make her a jerk.

Would you also be furious if your ex was invited? Should she feel pressured to attend?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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