
She’s Only Been Married For A Few Months Now, But She’s Really Unhappy And Feels Like Her Husband Is Controlling Her Financially

On top of that, her husband was sick of arriving home from work and having to do housework. Apparently, he got used to her doing 90% of their household chores while she was working her previous job.

So, she was actually forced to quit her position and get a new job that pays terribly – only one-third of her husband’s salary – just because she could work in between school hours.

The worst part? She is back to doing all the school pick-ups and drop-offs, along with 95% of the chores. At the same time, her husband has begun complaining that she’s not contributing enough money to their household.

She broke down the numbers and revealed that she makes $600 per week, and her husband earns anywhere from $1,900 to $2,400 on a weekly basis. They definitely are not struggling with money, but he’s still trying to control her.

“Now, I can’t use that money for myself. Fuel for the car, and that is it. If I want to use it for anything else, I have to ask permission. Most of the time, I am told we can’t afford it,” she explained.

For instance, if she needs new shoes or new clothing, her husband will turn her down. However, when he needs something for his car, he won’t hesitate to drop $800 on it without consulting her.

“Yes, I understand he earns a significant amount more than I do. But I’m starting to feel controlled financially, and I am so, so unhappy,” she vented.

And given the fact that she and her husband have only been married for a few months, she has no idea where to go from here.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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