Categories: Weddings

She’s Not Attending Her Dad’s Wedding After She Overheard His Fiancée Saying Her Dad Would Be Better Off Without Her And Her Brother

Katharina Buczek

To her surprise, her dad didn’t take her side and actually tried to justify his fiancée’s remarks. He wrote off the statements, saying he was “sure” Lily didn’t mean them like that, and accused her of taking the comments too seriously.

Plus, her dad said that his fiancée was only stressed out with their wedding right around the corner.

“He kept downplaying it like I was overreacting and making a big deal out of nothing,” she revealed.

And now, with the wedding only a few weeks away, she doesn’t even want to attend anymore. She hasn’t been able to speak to Lily since the family dinner, and her dad has been behaving as if nothing is wrong.

She expressed how disrespected and hurt she felt, and he genuinely believed she should let it go in order to support him.

“But honestly? I don’t feel like being part of a family where I’m seen as a burden, especially when the person my dad’s marrying doesn’t even like me or my brother,” she vented.

That’s why she told her dad she was considering skipping his nuptials, and he has not stopped guilt-tripping her. He thinks she’s acting selfish and trying to ruin his big day over “one little comment.”

Nonetheless, she’s not interested in sitting at the ceremony and pretending like everything is fine, and she doesn’t know if that makes her a jerk or not.

Does she have valid reasons for missing the event? Should her dad understand that? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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