
She’s Humiliated That Her Friend Always Wears The Exact Same Red Dress To Events They Attend

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I can understand why people wear the exact same outfit routinely; it takes the stress out of having to get dressed, and it’s kind of like a uniform.

This 27-year-old woman is friends with 26-year-old Sarah, and they’re pretty close. Sarah absolutely loves one thing in her closet: a vibrant red dress.

The problem she has with Sarah’s dress is that she puts it on for all the events they go to together, and she’s not exaggerating.

“At first, I thought it was cute and funny, but now it’s getting a little embarrassing,” she explained.

“Recently, we attended a wedding together, and she showed up in the same red dress she wore to my birthday party just a few weeks earlier.”

“I was mortified when people started whispering about it, and I felt like it took attention away from my special day.”

She attempted to discuss this with Sarah in an easygoing way when the wedding was over, questioning her about whether she had other things in the closet.

Sarah laughed and didn’t seem to catch on that she was being serious and not trying to joke around about her lack of outfit choices.

So, she took a more direct approach and asked Sarah to please quit wearing the red dress every single time they show up to something.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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