
She’s Heartbroken That Her Boyfriend’s Been Texting His Ex-Wife That He Misses Her

She noticed her boyfriend’s phone, which he left at the lake house, was being flooded with messages. She took it upon herself to look through his phone, and what she found broke her heart.

“I found exactly what I deserved to find; he was texting his ex-wife,” she said. “This wasn’t just casual conversation.”

“He was sending her things like ‘I’m thinking about you,’ and every time she told him she missed him, he replied with ‘I miss you too.’ I am heartbroken. These were things he said to me.”

After her boyfriend came back from jet skiing, she addressed the texts with him, and initially, he denied ever texting his ex-wife.

But then, he admitted the truth, and she got into her car and drove right home. She was so hurt she didn’t want to go to the wedding and kill the vibe.

Later, she questioned her boyfriend about why he did this, and he didn’t have a valid reason. He just mentioned that he knew what he texted his ex-wife wasn’t ok.

“He did, however, tell me that I crossed a line by going through his phone, and he wants to take a break from us for a while,” she added.

“I don’t know what to feel. I’m sad that this might be the end, but I’m mad that this has all somehow been turned into all my fault. Don’t get me wrong, I shouldn’t have gone through his phone. I definitely made a mistake.”

“But now, instead of being in the dark about those two making me look like a fool, I know about it. What should I do? Is this [the] end, or is there a way to salvage this? Please help me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been happy, and I feel like I ruined it again.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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