
She’s Heartbroken That Her Boyfriend’s Been Texting His Ex-Wife That He Misses Her

unai - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Nine months ago, this 34-year-old woman started dating her 36-year-old boyfriend, and before they got together, her boyfriend was married.

But after he learned that his wife was carrying out an affair with a guy who lived in another state, they got divorced.

She actually began seeing her boyfriend while he was in his separation phase, and then, after the divorce was complete, they kept up their relationship.

They both were struggling to deal with their own traumas over the last few months, but she firmly believed they could dig themselves out of their respective holes since they had one other.

“More recently, I’d become concerned that our relationship had become stagnant,” she explained.

“I had fallen in love with him months ago, but was too scared to say it. But there was no sign of moving forward in the relationship or growing outside of our normal routine.”

“We’d met each other’s friends and families, and he had been with me through some pretty tough personal situations. To everyone looking in, we seemed completely in love, but at the rate we were going, I was afraid I’d never hear it. I couldn’t understand what was stopping us from moving forward.”

Over the weekend, she and her boyfriend attended a wedding and stayed at a friend’s house on a lake.

Her boyfriend went out jet skiing with this friend of theirs, and she stayed behind so she could get ready for the wedding.

unai – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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