
She’s Furious That Her Boyfriend Invited His Sister On Their 10-Day Vacation Because They Both Changed All Of Her Plans And Ganged Up On Her The Entire Time

ASDF - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who’s 35, have been together for over a year now.

Recently, they decided to plan their first trip as a couple – which centered around seeing a concert in an area where they wanted to go hiking and camping. They would be away for a total of 10 days.

It also just so happened that the concert was only a few hours away from her boyfriend’s 23-year-old sister, whom she hadn’t met yet. So, his sister was worked into their getaway.

“The plan was that we would fly into where his sister lives, spend a day or two with her, then go towards our final destination (about three hours from where she lived), spending some time backpacking and hiking along the way,” she recalled.

But, before they actually left for their trip, her boyfriend asked if his sister could also attend the concert. At the time, she was fine with that and simply thought, “The more, the merrier.”

She also talked to her boyfriend about the logistics of his sister traveling to the concert, and he claimed that she could drive herself there.

Yet, only one week before their vacation was set to start, her boyfriend changed the plan again – this time, in a major way.

“He said it would make more sense if his sister just came along for the whole trip because he didn’t think it would make sense for her to drive herself out to meet us later,” she revealed.

That’s why her boyfriend’s sister tagged along for the entire 10 days, and her travel experience was a total nightmare.

ASDF – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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