Categories: Romance

She’s Dating A Guy Who Pushed Her To Meet His Family On Their First Date, Then Snapped A Photo Of Them Together In Bed And Sent It To All His Friends

Bre Avery Zacharski

While they were dancing, he kept shouting to everyone around them, sort of introducing her and saying her name.

He was screaming so loudly all the people in the bar could clearly hear him over the sound of the band.

People couldn’t help but stare and throw them odd glances. She told him to cut it out, but he didn’t listen.

“We went on another date where he took a picture of us together, and then I saw him send it off to about 20 people!” she exclaimed.

“I was shocked. I understand maybe a friend or two, but he checked off so many names.”

That brings us to the incident that really upset her: they slept together and then were cuddling in bed without clothes on.

Suddenly, he pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of the two of them sharing a very private moment.

She was so shocked she asked him if he had taken a photo of them, and he admitted that he had. She then wanted to see it, and she thought it was an adorable photo, so she asked him to send her a copy.

He did send it to her but then forwarded it out to all of his friends. She told him not to share it with other people, but it was too late. He grinned as he hit the send button.

“He just blasts [it] off to a bunch of people I’ve never met after I distinctly told him not to,” she added. “I’m just feeling like he is showing me off in the wrong way.”

“He is showing me off because he wants to show his friends that he’s with a girl…not that he’s proud to be with me. I’m getting the impression that this is his first dating experience.”

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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