
She’s Afraid Of What’s Going To Happen To Her Family After Her Son Took A DNA Test And Learned Her Secret

They were also trying to get pregnant with another child amid all of this when, one day, her husband’s friend came over while her husband was working.

This friend had experienced a breakup, and she was doing her best to support him during his hardships.

They were chatting about life while enjoying a couple of drinks, and then they ended up sleeping together.

She honestly doesn’t recall what exactly happened, but the following morning, they both felt ashamed and promised never to talk about that night.

“I dismissed it as a one time mistake and have never been tempted to cheat again,” she said. “Well, I fell pregnant, and here we are.”

“My husband is such a loving man, and our marriage has always been strong.”

Her husband is interested in genealogy just like her son is, and it’s only a matter of time until he finds out about the secret she’s been keeping.

Her son expects her to tell her husband the truth, but she’s scared of what this will do not only to her life but the lives of her family members, too.

So far, her husband doesn’t know, but she understands she has to break this news to him sooner rather than later.

“How do I proceed?” she wondered. “I am disgusted that this is going destroy my husband, my entire family.”

“I know I was a POS back then for what I did. I can not erase that, but the hurt we are all going to go through I can not fathom.”

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