
She Won’t Lend Her Best Friend, Who’s A Reckless Spender, Any Money Since She Always Gets Mocked For Being Frugal And Cheap

Her friend apparently reached out and asked to borrow a pretty large chunk of change to cover rent and some other bills this month. Her friend is supposedly in between paychecks at the moment and won’t be able to make ends meet without her assistance.

Honestly, she didn’t care and flat-out told her friend no. She pointed out how she’d worked hard to save and didn’t feel comfortable lending her so much cash, especially given her friend’s habit of reckless spending.

This sparked a ton of tension in their relationship, and she got accused of not being a true friend and “hoarding” her money while her friend had to struggle.

“But I feel like I’ve been responsible with my finances for situations like this, and it’s unfair for her to expect me to bail her out,” she vented.

Regardless, with their friendship on the rocks, she isn’t sure if drawing that boundary really did make her a jerk.

Is it her responsibility to cover her friend’s expenses? Would you want to help out someone who often made fun of your budgeting? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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