Categories: Romance

She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Took Her To A Fast Food Drive-Thru And Texted Other Girls The Entire Time

Emily Chan

Then, he informed her that he wasn’t feeling too well and asked if they could just grab food around the area instead of going to that nice restaurant they had planned on. He ended up taking her to the drive-thru of an American Chinese fast food restaurant.

Afterward, he suggested that they go back to his place, which was nearby. When he showed her his room, she saw a mattress lying on the floor in the middle of his room.

It was covered with purple sheets and a red and black blanket. The pillows were yellow and stained. The worst part was the beer cans scattered all over the room.

While they were texting, he had told her that he didn’t drink and had given up the partying lifestyle, which did not seem true at all, judging by his bedroom. He tried to kick the beer cans away and said his friends had left the mess.

When they went back downstairs, his roommate was playing a video game that he wanted to join. Madi ended up sitting in a beanbag chair for an hour and a half, watching him scream at the TV. At one point, he sat on the beanbag with her and put his arm around her.

She could see his phone screen and that he had been texting other girls during their so-called date. She started laughing and confronted him about it. He started telling her about his ex-girlfriend and called her a bunch of names.

Finally, Madi announced that she wanted to go home. In the car, he blasted rap music while she stared out the window unhappily.

When he dropped her off, he told her he had a fun time and that they should hang out again. Of course, she never saw him again.

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Published by
Emily Chan

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