
She Wants To Skip Her Cousin’s Expensive, Lavish Wedding Since He Hasn’t Paid Her Back The $5,000 She Loaned Him Years Ago

“And they’re really pressuring me to go, even though I feel like I’m being completely disrespected here,” she said.

She just can’t imagine attending her cousin’s wedding and watching him blow a ridiculous amount of money while knowing she’s still out $5,000.

That’s why she decided to confront Mike directly, yet again, he just kept brushing her off and acting like it wasn’t a big deal. He also gave her the same old tired line of “I’ll pay you back soon.”

Everyone’s cavalier reactions have made her feel torn, as, on the one hand, she truly doesn’t want to cause any drama.

“But I also don’t think it’s fair that I’m supposed to just smile and pretend everything’s fine,” she vented.

“I feel like if I go, I’m basically saying it’s okay for him to treat me like this, and it’s not.”

Now, she’s not sure if she has a right to be angry and skip her cousin’s wedding or if she really is being too petty.

Does it make sense why she’s so ticked off with her cousin? Should she boycott the wedding or not? What would you do if you were in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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