
She Took Her Cousin To Court After He Threw Her In The Pool And Ruined Her $6,000 Hearing Aids, So 20% Of His Wage Is Now Being Garnished And He Was Forced To Drop Out Of College

Not to mention, her cousin and his girlfriend had a baby together and were living together in a small, one-bedroom apartment.

But honestly, she didn’t care about that, and when her cousin refused to hand over the money for her hearing aids, she actually took him to court.

She wound up winning her case as well, yet her cousin would not make any of the court-ordered payments. Regardless, she didn’t give up and simply brought her cousin back to court!

“And his wages are now being garnished for the maximum amount, which is 20% of his total wages,” she revealed.

“It pushed him over the edge of what he could afford, so he’s had to work extra and drop out of college to be able to pay their rent.”

This left her family absolutely livid with her. She, on the other hand, thinks her cousin got what he deserved. She admitted that if he’d given her a sincere apology, things might have been different.

“Had he given a real apology after the incident and asked if he could wait until he finished school to pay me back, I would’ve been fine with it,” she vented.

“But the entitled little [jerk] is digging his feet in at every move.”

Nonetheless, now that the wage garnishment is impacting her cousin’s girlfriend and child, she can’t help but wonder if she did go too far.

How would you have handled this situation in her shoes? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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