
She Told Her Sister’s Boyfriend To Get Out After He Wouldn’t Eat The Fancy Dinner She Spent Hours Cooking And Brought A Container Of Boiled Chicken And Broccoli To Have Instead

“At that point, I’d had enough,” she admitted.

“I told him, ‘If you can’t eat what’s served and won’t even let me make something else, then maybe you should just get out.”

Thankfully, Steve didn’t argue with that. All he did was stand up and mutter about how he was “trying to be healthy” before grabbing his container and walking out.

After he was gone, her sister stayed for a little while but ultimately followed suit – leaving her house and blaming her for overreacting.

“Now, my sister’s mad at me, saying I embarrassed her boyfriend and made them both feel unwelcome,” she vented.

Her mom has also since heard about the incident and agrees that she needs to apologize; meanwhile, the rest of her friends believe Steve was acting super rude.

This has left her unsure whether telling her sister’s boyfriend to get out was justified, given his behavior, or made her a real jerk.

How could she have known about his dietary preferences ahead of time if her sister didn’t give her a heads-up? Was she in the wrong for making her sister’s boyfriend leave? What would you have done?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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