
She Said Her Sister Obviously Isn’t Ready For Marriage Since She’s Immature And Doesn’t Take Responsibility For Her Mistakes

isabel - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 20-year-old woman has an older sister named Jayla, who’s 24. Jayla also recently got engaged to her boyfriend, Daniel, who’s 25.

The couple has been together for just over a year now, and her sister is thrilled about getting married. She, on the other hand, doesn’t think Jayla is ready for such a big step.

According to her, her sister has always been pretty immature and has a tendency to get quite upset over little things.

“Jayla has a habit of blaming others when things go wrong and rarely takes responsibility for her behavior,” she explained.

Apparently, she’s seen her sister’s traits come out in her relationship, too. That’s why she’s concerned that Jayla and Daniel might just be a toxic couple.

So, when her sister brought up the engagement just the other day and asked for her thoughts on whether she believed they were ready for marriage, she didn’t hold back her opinion.

First, she admitted to believing that Jayla simply wasn’t ready for that type of commitment. She pointed out how her sister is immature, often gets angry easily, and never takes responsibility for any of her mistakes.

“I thought it was important for her to reflect on these issues before making a lifelong commitment,” she reasoned.

Well, even though she honestly answered her sister’s question, Jayla was furious. She got accused of being unsupportive and attempting to sabotage Jayla’s relationship.

isabel – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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