
She Reported Her Coworker To HR For Using All The Office Fridge Space To Store Homemade Lunches And Sell Them To Other Colleagues, So Her Coworker Tried To Get Her Fired

Then, HR actually spoke to Anna and placed a limit on how much room she could take up in the fridge.

If you couldn’t have guessed, her coworker was infuriated after that. So, Anna “made it her mission” to ruin her life at work.

All of a sudden, Anna was spreading nasty rumors about her. She got accused of being jealous of Anna’s success and even attempting to sabotage her meal prep business.

“Then, Anna took it a step further. She went to HR and claimed that I was harassing her and creating a hostile work environment,” she revealed.

“Anna even got a couple of her friends in the office to back up her story, lying about things I supposedly said and did.”

The drama caused her to get called into HR, and she was completely caught off guard since she had no clue Anna had been essentially plotting to get her fired.

Thankfully, she had already documented all of her interactions with Anna. This allowed her to prove that all of the rumors weren’t true, and HR dismissed the complaints against her.

“But the damage was done. The whole situation has left me feeling isolated at work, and now, a lot of my coworkers see me as the bad guy, thanks to Anna’s lies,” she vented.

This has left her wondering if reporting Anna to HR in the first place was justified or if she just made everything worse.

Would you also be annoyed if you could never fit your own lunch in the fridge? Should she have addressed this situation differently, or was going to HR understandable?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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