Categories: Relationships

She Purposely Gave Her Brother’s Friend Bad Service While Dining At Her Restaurant Because She Knows He Never Tips

Katharina Buczek

That’s why, when Jake came into her restaurant again this past Friday, she provided him with the “fast food service.”

“I simply gave him his food, didn’t check up on him, etc.,” she recalled.

She later found out from her cashier that Jake really wasn’t happy about this. On top of that, after her shift, he actually found her on Facebook and messaged her – asking her what her “problem” was.

She asked if he’d seen the literal plaque in their restaurant, which details the kind of service that non-tippers will receive. Still, Jake reasoned that not all customers could afford to tip. In response, she said there was nothing she could do about that, and Jake’s reply shocked her.

“You seem like a very unhappy person. I hope you can get help,” he wrote.

Afterward, she decided to just block Jake online and show his messages to her boss. Thankfully, her boss agreed that Jake had gone too far by contacting her outside of work. Since then, he’s no longer allowed at the restaurant.

“The thing is that my friends who have worked in the service industry say I didn’t do anything wrong, but the ones who haven’t said I was rude and that we’re basically manipulating people into giving us tips,” she vented.

Not to mention, Jake won’t even speak to her brother anymore after this – despite being friends with him since the second grade.

Now, she can’t help but wonder if purposefully providing bad service to her brother’s friend because she knew he never tipped was justified or really made her a jerk.

Do you think her restaurant policy is fair? How would you have handled this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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