
She Made Her Friend Cry When She Told Her She’s Dropping Out Of Her Wedding Three Weeks Before The Big Day

She no longer knows what’s happening in her friend’s life, so for that reason, she lost interest in being a bridesmaid.

This was three weeks before her friend’s wedding when she informed her that she was dropping out.

“She started crying and saying she was struggling a lot with work and depression,” she said. “I can definitely relate, but as she was talking, I realized I really didn’t feel that close with her or that I valued the friendship that much.”

“I ended up leaving and, after thinking for a few days, sent her a text that I didn’t think the friendship could continue given the way she acted and that I really just wasn’t that close to her.”

Now, two of her friends are furious with her for terminating the friendship right before the wedding. They are demanding to know why she wasn’t willing to wait until after the wedding was over to have this serious discussion with her friend.

“…I honestly had no idea how I’d show up for her on her wedding day after she dropped me this summer,” she concluded.

Do you think that what she did was cruel?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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