
She Kicked Her Sister Out After Learning Her Dad Isn’t Her Biological Father And Her Sister Kept The A Secret For Years

So, as she grappled with the news, she told her sister to pack her things and get out of her house. She couldn’t look at her sister, let alone live with her anymore after finding out such a huge secret had been kept from her for so long.

Not to mention, she was furious about how insensitively her sister had shared it with her.

Her family, on the other hand, seems to think that she has no reason to be so upset. They believe she’s acting like a child and had no right to kick her sister out when she was just trying to be honest and never intended to hurt her.

“However, I can’t shake the feeling of anger and betrayal I feel. I don’t even know how to move forward from this situation. Nobody is being apologetic or even taking my side at all,” she vented.

In the wake of this news, and given the fact her whole family is against her, she also can’t stop wondering if making her sister move out was really an unreasonable reaction.

Can you understand why she’s livid with her sister? Would you be able to continue living with your sibling if they hid something so huge from you?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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