
She Just Found Out That Her Husband Had A Child Through IVF With One Of His Exes And Kept It A Secret From Her All Year

Aleksandr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Six years ago, when this woman first began dating her 44-year-old husband, he disclosed to her that he made embryos with two of his exes. This happened a decade ago with her husband’s most recent ex.

Her husband and one of his exes, whom he was married to, already had a child together, so she wanted to be certain her husband wouldn’t have any more children with other women.

“I asked him to check whether or not they were planning on using them and if they were willing to discard them because in the case they were, I was unwilling to continue the relationship as I only wanted one stepchild,” she explained.

“He did so with only one of the two women, and she told him she wasn’t interested in them anymore and didn’t even pay for the storage of them at that point. He didn’t check with the other, but he told me everything was handled.”

Now, her husband’s child from his ex-wife is 8-years-old; she has a child with her husband, who is nearly 2, and she’s also pregnant with their second child, due soon.

This past January, her husband found out that his ex, with whom he never had a child, decided to use one of the embryos they made and was three months pregnant.

Instead of telling her, her husband kept this a complete secret. He only confessed to her yesterday that he fathered a child with another woman via IVF, and his daughter was born not too long ago.

Not only that, her husband has visited his daughter twice while away for work trips (his ex lives in a separate country).

He maintains that his ex doesn’t want him to be a present dad and hasn’t asked him to provide a single thing.

Aleksandr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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