
She Insulted Her Friend After She Called Her Spoiled Since Her Parents Are Happy To Help Fund Her Life

“I spend a lot of time with them; I know they don’t lack money for anything; they travel, own their house, and have a good retirement plan. They don’t mind paying for me, and I don’t mind taking it. We have a good relationship.”

She doesn’t expect her parents to fund her life for all her adult years – it’s only until she is able to finish school and find a job that pays her well.

Growing irritated, she tried to get Amy to quit it and change the topic, but Amy went on and on about how her mom and dad want her to be a “real adult.”

Amy then said that she will never have any ambition if she doesn’t understand how to struggle. She finally had enough and snapped at Amy that perhaps her mom and dad love her more than hers do, so that’s why they’re happy to help pay for her life. She said sorry before asking to discuss another subject.

“We didn’t talk since, and I do feel bad because I know that love has nothing to do with money, and looking back, it’s such a rude thing to say, but I just said it to shut her up because she was insulting me and calling me spoiled for no reason,” she continued.

“I wasn’t even the one to start this conversation nor did I probe into her finances. She was the one who kept it going. Ever since that day, I feel a pit in my stomach, and I really didn’t want to insult her.”

She’s curious if she handled things with Amy in the wrong way. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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