
She Gave Back Her Engagement Ring After Her Fiancé Made Her Choose Between Him And Raising Her Seven Siblings, Who Were Abandoned By Her Mother Two Years Ago 

“That wasn’t an option for me. I’ve got seven kids to care for, and I couldn’t leave them behind. They’ve already been abandoned once,” she reasoned.

About a week ago, she found out her fiancé wasn’t on board with this anymore, either. He actually sat her down, claimed he couldn’t handle it, and accused her of throwing her life away for children that aren’t even hers.

Then, he proceeded to give her an ultimatum – saying that she either needed to choose between him or her siblings.

Her fiancé admitted that he couldn’t spend the rest of his years raising someone else’s kids. He also felt that she was being selfish by prioritizing her siblings over him.

Well, the ultimatum probably didn’t pan out as her fiancé had planned because she did not even wait before immediately giving her engagement ring back.

“I love him, but my siblings come first, always,” she revealed.

“They need me more than he does, and I already spend enough time working and caring for the kids. I don’t have time for [drama].”

Since she called off their engagement, her fiancé’s family has heard, and they’re absolutely livid.

They keep blaming her for being selfish, believing she’s acting like a “martyr” and ruining her life for children who shouldn’t be her responsibility.

To make matters worse, her fiancé’s mother tried to say that she’d regret her decision when she was alone and miserable in the future.

Now, one part of her does wonder if her fiancé’s family is right. After all, she never thought she’d end up raising her seven siblings by herself. She also misses fantasizing about a future with her fiancé.

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