Categories: Relationships

She Found Out Her Husband Cheated On His Ex-Fiancée And Abandoned Her With Their Sick Child, So Now She Can’t Look At Her Husband The Same

Katharina Buczek

This 26-year-old woman and her husband, who’s 36, tied the knot five years ago, and their marriage has been wonderful.

So, after she recently found out about how he treated his ex-fiancée, she was completely shocked.

“He is a phenomenal husband and a great man, and all the time I’ve known him, I’ve never known about this situation or even thought he could do this,” she admitted.

“He’s always been so great to me. I never thought he could treat someone else so horribly.”

The truth finally tumbled out a couple of days ago when she and her sister-in-law met up for drinks. It was immediately clear that her sister-in-law wasn’t in a good mood, either, and after some prodding, her sister-in-law opened up about being annoyed at her husband.

She was confused, asked why, and learned it was because her husband had apparently “embarrassed” her sister-in-law in front of their parents. According to her, her in-laws are pretty affluent people and care a lot about appearance.

Anyway, her sister-in-law proceeded to launch into a list of complaints about her husband while she just sat there listening.

But then, something piqued her interest. Her sister-in-law said, “And anyway, why does that even matter when he did what he did to Anna before he met you!”

She’d actually never heard the name Anna before and asked her sister-in-law to explain. At first, her sister-in-law tried to take back the statement, too, but eventually, she got her sister-in-law to tell her the whole story.

Mia_Bon – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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