Categories: Relationships

She Found Out Her Husband Cheated On His Ex-Fiancée And Abandoned Her With Their Sick Child, So Now She Can’t Look At Her Husband The Same

Katharina Buczek

Now, this was all occurring the entire time she was with her husband, and she had no idea. The truth has left her feeling absolutely sick to her stomach.

“I went home and saw my husband and didn’t even know what to say. How he could treat Anna like that, I don’t know, but how could he treat a child like that? How could he leave Anna, cheat on her, but leave her all alone, too?” she asked.

“I’m heartbroken for this woman and that baby and so hurt that I’m married to someone who would do that.”

After the beans were spilled about her husband’s past relationship, though, her sister-in-law urged her not to let what happened change her opinion of her husband. On top of that, her sister-in-law doesn’t want her to tell her husband that she knows about Anna.

She’s having trouble grappling with that. It’s been a few days since she spoke to her sister-in-law, and she still hasn’t said anything to her husband about it, but it’s eating her alive.

“I know that my sister-in-law has been forbidden from telling me, so I do not want my husband to be mad at her or at me, but I don’t know what to do,” she vented.

“This honestly makes me hate my husband so, so much, and I don’t even know why. He’s still such an amazing man to me, but I can’t not think about it.”

That’s why she’s been left wondering if she should bring it up and whether feeling so differently about her husband now is justified or not.

Can you imagine discovering your spouse did something like this? Would you be able to look at your partner the same anymore?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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