
She Flat-Out Refused To Serve A Bully Who Ruined Her Life In High School, But Her Manager Thinks She Should’ve Been More Professional

nicoletaionescu - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman currently works at a fast-food restaurant, and while she thinks it’s not the “best job” in the world, she just thinks she’s lucky to be employed after everything she’s gone through.

For some context, she was forced to withdraw from high school early because of one specific girl named Emilia – who was a major bully.

“Emilia spread lies about me, turned everyone against me, and bullied me online to the point where I had to leave school,” she recalled.

“I was so messed up that I needed therapy for years just to feel okay again.”

But, while she’d tried her hardest to forget about Emilia, she came face-to-face with her bully again just the other day.

It all began while she was working at the fast-food joint a few days ago, and Emilia walked in. Initially, her old bully didn’t recognize her. Then, once it clicked, Emilia apparently got a wicked smirk on her face.

Afterward, the girl approached the counter and casually ordered like nothing was wrong between them. By the end, though, Emilia proceeded to make a really rude remark.

“Wow, you’re still as ugly as back then? Guess some things never change,” her bully said.

This immediately made her feel like she was 17-years-old again, back in the depths of her horrible high school experience. So, she looked Emilia right in the eye and stated, “I’m sorry, but I can’t serve you.”

nicoletaionescu – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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