
She Doesn’t Want To Invite Her Sister To Her Baby Shower Since Her Sister Already Stole The Spotlight At Her Wedding By Announcing Her Engagement

Given her sister’s history, though, she is genuinely concerned about her sister pulling a similar stunt at the baby shower.

“And I just want this day to be about celebrating my pregnancy, not whatever drama or announcement she comes up with,” she reasoned.

That’s why she began considering the idea of not inviting her sister to the baby shower at all, and she tried talking to her mom about it, too.

Yet, her whole family apparently believes that would be a total overreaction. Plus, she was even accused of being selfish for excluding her sister, who is part of the “family.”

“But I don’t want to spend the entire event stressing about what she might do,” she vented.

Still, while she thinks it might be in her own best interest not to extend an invitation to her sister, she’s not sure if that would also make her a real jerk or not.

Why do you think her sister can’t let anyone else shine? Should she risk inviting her sister, or is it best to go with her gut? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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