
She Doesn’t Want To Invite Her Sister To Her Baby Shower Since Her Sister Already Stole The Spotlight At Her Wedding By Announcing Her Engagement

Jacob Lund
Jacob Lund - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Everyone deserves to be celebrated when they have big “milestone moments” in life, whether that’s getting a promotion at work, tying the knot, or welcoming your first baby into the world.

But sadly, some people never get to feel like all of the attention is on them because they have siblings who always take center stage.

This woman can relate, as her sister is constantly finding ways to make every single event about herself.

For instance, she’s married, and at her wedding, her sister actually had the nerve to make an engagement announcement.

Then, at her parent’s anniversary party, her sister told all of the guests that she was actually pregnant.

“It’s like my sister waits for special events just to steal the spotlight,” she said.

So, now that she is currently pregnant with her first child, she’s concerned about her baby shower.

For some context, her friends and family have decided to put together this celebration for her.

“It’s a small event, and I’m really excited about it,” she explained.

Jacob Lund – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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