
She Didn’t Defend Her Boyfriend When His Friends Called Him Fat Since He Commented On Her Weight At Dinner A Few Nights Ago

zvkate - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 24-year-old girl met her 28-year-old boyfriend, Steve, she weighed 135 pounds (she’s 5’6″), but now she weighs 155 pounds.

As for Steve, he’s always been chubby, weighing around 210 (he’s 5’10”). Steve is active and hardly could be called fat, but he’s not a stick figure, either.

She says she was skinny when she started dating Steve 18 months ago, but she has put on weight. She’s still considered healthy if you take her height into consideration, but she’s just no longer super thin.

Several evenings ago, she and Steve went out to dinner, and he made a shocking comment to her.

“He told me I should watch what I eat because I’m gaining weight,” she explained. “I rolled my eyes and ordered a burger and fries (same thing as Steve) because I thought it was just a poorly thought-out joke.”

“But on the car ride home, he told me he was concerned because I was gaining weight and becoming unhealthy and less attractive.”

“He put it gently, but I was still upset and pointed out that he wasn’t the poster child of thinness himself, but he said it’s different because he’s the same size he was when we got together.”

She shut down the conversation and went to sleep in the guest room. The following morning, when she woke up, Steve pleaded with her to forgive him, saying that he was incredibly sorry.

Steve has never had a slip-up like that during their relationship, so she agreed to forget about what he said.

zvkate – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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