
She Cut Off Her Best Friend For Telling Her Coworkers That She’s A Recovering Alcoholic During A Barbecue She Hosted

“I was absolutely mortified. The conversation just stopped dead, and I could see the awkwardness on everyone’s faces,” she recalled.

“I tried to laugh it off, but things just weren’t the same after that.”

Following the barbecue, things have been really strange at work for her, too. Some of her coworkers have begun acting weird around her, while others are more distant or avoiding her entirely.

So, she wound up confronting Amanda and saying she was super upset about her personal info getting exposed without her consent.

In response, Amanda claimed to not think it was a big deal since she “should be proud” of her sobriety.

“While yes, I am proud of my recovery, I also feel like it was my choice when and how to share that with people,” she explained.

Amanda did apologize after she expressed that, but she still felt that it was a half-hearted effort. Not to mention, her friend also accused her of overreacting. That didn’t sit well with her, and in the end, she cut off contact with Amanda – at least for the short term. Her friend hasn’t stopped messaging her, either.

“Saying she didn’t mean any harm and that she was just trying to ‘help’ and that I’m making this a bigger issue than it needs to be,” she vented.

Now, she has begun second-guessing herself and isn’t sure if ending her friendship with Amanda over this was justified or not.

Was it Amanda’s place to speak on her recovery? Is it understandable if she wants to distance herself from Amanda for the time being? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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