
She Cut Off Her Best Friend For Telling Her Coworkers That She’s A Recovering Alcoholic During A Barbecue She Hosted

rh2010 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

For the past two years, this 32-year-old woman has been in recovery from alcoholism, and the process has been long and difficult. She’s also preferred to keep the journey private, sharing it with only a few trusted people.

One of the people she opened up to was her best friend Amanda, who’s 31.

“We’ve been friends for over 10 years, and she’s always been super supportive, or so I thought,” she said.

Yet, when she recently threw a barbecue at her house, Amanda actually told all of her colleagues that she was a recovering alcoholic, and she was completely shocked.

For some context, she works in marketing and recently landed a position at a new agency. Things were going great at her job as well, and she enjoyed getting to know her coworkers and building relationships with them.

“None of my colleagues knew about my recovery because I didn’t think it was something I needed to share at work, at least not yet,” she noted.

Then, last weekend, she decided to host a barbecue – inviting some of her coworkers and friends, such as Amanda.

At one point during the barbecue, some people began discussing alcohol. She stayed a bit silent during the conversation, but she didn’t think it was a big deal.

Amanda, on the other hand, felt the need to chime in for some reason and told everyone that she wouldn’t be drinking since she’s been sober for two years now.

rh2010 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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