Categories: Relationships

She Catfished Her Brother-In-Law To Expose His Shady Behavior, But Now That Her Sister’s Divorcing Him, She Feels Guilty For Ruining Their Marriage

Katharina Buczek

Once the profile was complete, she followed Mark with that profile, and he immediately followed back. Within a few days, he slid into “Emma’s” DMs as well.

For the following few weeks, her brother-in-law went on to heavily flirt with her, thinking she was this random girl named Emma. He even started sending inappropriate messages, talking about how unhappy he was in his marriage and asking to meet up.

“I was disgusted but also heartbroken for my sister. I screenshotted everything and saved it as proof,” she detailed.

Initially, she didn’t know exactly how to deal with this, but eventually, she decided it would be best to tell Anna everything. That’s why she showed her sister all of the messages, and it has been a whirlwind of drama ever since.

Her sister was obviously shocked and actually tried to accuse her of “sabotaging” their marriage in the beginning. Once Anna had some time to calm down, though, her anger turned to Mark.

Her sister confronted him, and he had the nerve to try and deny everything at first. In fact, he claimed that someone must have hacked his account.

“But when Anna mentioned “Emma” by name, he went pale and admitted to everything. He said he was just ‘bored’ and ‘curious’ but swore he’d never actually cheat on her,” she revealed.

Still, that wasn’t enough for her sister, so Anna filed for divorce and has been staying with her ever since. It’s also clear to her that everyone in her family holds her somewhat responsible for the downfall of her sister’s marriage.

Her parents have accused her of “meddling” and breaking up their relationship. They believe she should’ve just minded her own business and let her sister figure it out alone.

“Even Anna, despite being grateful I told her, sometimes looks at me with this sadness, like I’m the one who brought all this pain into her life,” she vented.

As for Mark, he hasn’t stopped sending her furious messages – accusing her of being manipulative and ruining his life.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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