
She Can’t Stand Living With Her Fiancé’s Family Anymore, And Since He Refuses To Move Out, She’s Planning On Leaving Him

That’s why she tried talking to her fiancé, sharing how frustrated she was by their living situation and asking if they could move out.

Well, he didn’t understand where she was coming from and turned that idea down. He even accused her of complaining too much and claimed she needed to just be grateful.

“I have expressed I am so uncomfortable living with his family. I don’t even go upstairs to eat breakfast or make myself a coffee,” she vented.

The fact that she’s so unhappy, and her fiancé refuses to budge, has actually pushed her to plan on leaving him, too.

Still, before she goes through with that, she can’t help but wonder if wanting out of their relationship is justified.

Does it sound like her fiancé is disregarding her needs? Should she feel bad about wanting to feel comfortable where she lives?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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