
She Called Her Neighbor Out For Stealing Her Designer Skirt And Caused Her Neighbor’s Fiancé To End Their Engagement Because He Didn’t Want To Be With A Thief

Anyway, after that awkward confrontation, she wound up leaving town to go on a business trip – so she wasn’t at home in her neighborhood for a bit. Then, once she finally arrived back, she found out her neighbor’s fiancé had called off the engagement.

The real kicker? Their relationship apparently ended because her neighbor’s fiancé didn’t want to end up with a thief.

Her neighbor has since claimed that she should’ve addressed the issue with her in private. Plus, she got blamed for making “everyone” look at her neighbor like a thief.

“Do we owe thieves privacy now?” she asked.

Regardless, in the wake of the broken engagement, she can’t help but wonder if calling her neighbor out for stealing her skirt like that was really the wrong way to handle the situation.

Did she have a right to call her neighbor out? Should she have done it privately, or was her neighbor in the wrong for stealing and wearing the skirt publicly? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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