Categories: Relationships

She Blamed Her Brother For Causing His Wife To Have Body Issues Again Because He Told Her To Lose Weight Not Even A Year After Having Their Second Baby

Katharina Buczek

For some reason, Greg decided to tell his wife that he was less attracted to her due to that. Plus, her brother claimed that he wanted to “help” Sandra lose the extra weight and get back to her previous figure.

After he said that, Sandra went full force, doing everything she could to drop the pounds, and Greg supposedly supported her throughout it all.

“Meanwhile, I’m halfway across the country for my job, and I have no idea that this is happening,” she explained.

Well, Sandra successfully got back to her pre-baby weight. However, she still kept going, and her brother started to get seriously worried. This led Greg to give her a call, and he apparently didn’t realize how severe the issue was at first since his wife was simply exercising and eating healthy.

More recently, though, he realized that Sandra hasn’t been consuming anything she doesn’t view as “clean.” And given how little Sandra is eating, her brother thinks his wife is exercising way too much.

Once Greg filled her in on everything, she didn’t hesitate to call her brother out for thrusting Sandra back into insecurity.

“I told him that it was his fault for telling a woman who had a second baby not even a year ago and who struggles with her weight that you wanted her to lose weight,” she revealed.

Her brother didn’t appreciate that, either, and admitted that he already felt guilty about what he’d done.

Now, in the wake of all of this, she’s not sure if blaming her brother was the wrong way to react.

Do you agree that her brother acted recklessly, given Sandra’s history? Would you also be mad at him? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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