
She Admitted That Her Family Didn’t Like Her Brother’s Fiancée Because She’s Always Stepping On Everyone’s Toes And Being Disrespectful At Family Gatherings

Once, her brother’s fiancée also wanted to change their holiday plans, claiming that their tradition didn’t “fit her vibe.”

Still, she didn’t hit her breaking point until last Thanksgiving, when Rachel attempted to “improve” her mom’s cooking by adding some new spices to a specific dish.

“My mom’s a great cook, and this did not go over well. Rachel acted like she was doing us a favor, but it was really just insulting,” she explained.

The incident caused her whole family to become a bit distant from Mike’s fiancée, and after a few months, he finally asked why everyone was acting cold.

At that point, she decided to tell her brother the truth.

“That while we all tried to like her, she’s been stepping on everyone’s toes since day one. I mentioned how Rachel doesn’t seem to respect our family’s dynamic and how her behavior at family gatherings has been pretty off-putting,” she revealed.

Afterward, Mike proceeded to share everything she’d said with Rachel – who had a breakdown.

She received a tearful call from her brother’s fiancée and got accused of “ruining” her relationship with the rest of the family. Plus, Rachel stated that she no longer felt welcome.

This made her brother livid, too, and he believed that she should’ve just kept her mouth shut.

Thankfully, her parents agreed with what she said. Even so, they’ve opted to stay out of the drama.

As for Rachel, her brother’s fiancée won’t stop demanding that she apologize.

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