
She Admitted That Her Family Didn’t Like Her Brother’s Fiancée Because She’s Always Stepping On Everyone’s Toes And Being Disrespectful At Family Gatherings

Studio Romantic - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman’s younger brother Mike, who is 26, got engaged to his fiancée, Rachel, around six months ago. However, she’s not exactly thrilled about her future sister-in-law.

“From the outside, Rachel seems like a nice enough person – she’s polite, friendly, and gets along with most people,” she said.

“But here’s the thing: our entire family cannot stand her. And it’s not for the reasons you’d think.”

According to her, the issues all began back when Rachel first met her family. Off the bat, her brother’s fiancée didn’t understand their sense of humor.

For instance, her parents are quite quirky, so they are always teasing each other in “good fun.” Rachel, on the other hand, took all of the jokes very seriously.

“Rachel would get offended at harmless jokes and would sulk whenever someone teased her, even in the highest way,” she recalled.

“We thought maybe she just needed time to get used to us, but it only got worse.”

Additionally, Rachel would supposedly make everything about herself at all of their family gatherings.

If someone spoke about their job, Mike’s fiancée would jump in with a story about how tough her work was. Or, if she shared a funny story from their childhood, Rachel would interrupt and talk about how difficult she had it as a kid.

Studio Romantic – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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