
She Admits She Called CPS On Her Hoarder Sister, Hoping It Would Force Her To Get The Help She Needs

She then had a conversation with her sister’s oldest child, who is 20, and he told her that her sister is claiming to her kids that her ex is abusive for making them do homework and chores and stay on top of their hygiene.

Also, her sister’s kids are supposed to be homeschooled, but they won’t do any work at her sister’s house because she doesn’t make them.

Her sister’s son gave her photos of her sister’s horrible home. There are filthy clothes, mountains of garbage, and rotted food all over the place.

She says that if a fire ever broke out in the kitchen, nobody would survive as there’s no pathway out of the house; it’s that cluttered.

Her sister’s son said even though the house is disgusting, the kids prefer being with her sister instead of their dad, as her sister permits them to play video games all day without expecting them to be productive.

“I called CPS on her, and now she and the kids aren’t talking to me,” she added. “She called and screamed at our mother first, thinking it was her.”

“Our mom said it wasn’t her, so obviously it was me. She used to fill her bedroom with garbage as a kid and scream when our parents made her clean.”

“Her ex also sent me photos of their house and how disgusting it would be if he came back from a work trip (pre and post kids). She blames the kids for the mess, but also she refuses to get help or even let her ex have the kids for a few months while she gets it together.”

Now, her sister has been struggling with mental illness and lost her job over her chronic pain. Four years ago, her sister had a scary incident in a hospital and suffers from PTSD because of it.

She knows her sister desperately needs help, and if her sister loses custody of her children, they will need to go live with her ex full-time.

Her sister maintains her ex is a manipulator who doesn’t help her enough financially, though she knows he gives her sister money to pay for utilities and rent.

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