
She Admits She Called CPS On Her Hoarder Sister, Hoping It Would Force Her To Get The Help She Needs

David Pereiras - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s 48-year-old sister has four children with her ex-husband, who range in age from 10 to 20.

While her sister isn’t separated from her husband in a legal sense, they still equally share custody of their children.

Not that long ago, she went to visit her sister and was shocked regarding how awful her hoarding and mental health have gotten.

She’s spent the last two years begging her sister to allow her to clean or hire a team to help, but her sister routinely refused any help.

In fact, she didn’t know how bad her sister had spiraled out of control until she saw everything for herself.

One of her sister’s kids, a 12-year-old, is no longer going over to her sister’s ex’s house since she got into a disagreement with him.

“After 1 month, her hair is completely matted to her head, she has no clean clothes, and [she] hasn’t showered in days,” she explained.

“According to her, my sister says she doesn’t have to use deodorant, brush hair or teeth, or shower if she doesn’t want to.”

“When I told my sister I was worried about how her kids are living, she told me I was not allowed to see her daughter ever again.”

David Pereiras – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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