
She Accidentally Killed Her Nephew’s Tarantula After Her Brother-In-Law Pranked Her With The Pet, Even Though He Knew About Her Severe Phobia Of Spiders, And Now He Wants Her To Replace It

While she was frantically trying to get away from the tarantula, she accidentally trampled over it after knocking it to the ground, too. So, her nephew’s new pet sadly died, and her brother-in-law became infuriated.

He started accusing her of overreacting and being totally careless. Plus, her nephew began crying, and the family gathering filled with tension.

Thankfully, her husband attempted to defend her by pointing out how she did not try to kill the tarantula on purpose. Rather, her reaction was born out of genuine terror.

Nonetheless, her brother-in-law actually kicked her and her husband out after that! Later, her brother-in-law even texted them – claiming that they both owed his son an apology and needed to replace the pet tarantula.

One part of her does feel terrible about her nephew losing his pet, but killing the tarantula was completely unintentional. Not to mention, she’s also livid at her brother-in-law for putting her in that situation and pranking her while knowing about her phobia of spiders.

“I don’t want to cause any more tension in the family, but I also feel like my brother-in-law’s prank was cruel and completely disregarded my fear,” she vented.

This has left her wondering whether she should apologize and replace the tarantula to keep the peace or if she should hold her ground.

Is her brother-in-law at fault for this whole situation by pranking her in the first place? Should she be expected to buy her nephew a new pet or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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