Categories: Romance

Let’s Talk About What You Should Do If You Hate How You Were Proposed To

Chip Chick

In reality, proposals aren’t always this extreme, and it’s better to realize this now than in your disappointment after the fact.

Your proposal can be just as romantic in a simple and personal sense, which will hold sentimental meaning for you and your partner for years to come.

Don’t Spend Time Worrying About What Could Have Been

It’s easy to sit and think about what could have been, even after such a romantic moment. What if they had proposed in Europe instead of Hawaii?

What if they had included your family instead of making it just you two, or even sang their proposal instead of speaking it?

Whatever it is that you had dreamt about before, you will likely still wonder about it. However, there is no sense in trying to reconfigure the moment after it’s already happened.

It happened exactly how it was supposed to, so now it’s time to appreciate all the little details your partner included that maybe you would have never thought of.

Get Excited About What’s To Come

Accepting your partner’s proposal is the first step toward the rest of your life together! If you didn’t love how your proposal went, focus on how you’re going to plan the wedding and how you’re going to spend your marriage.

There are so many more aspects to prepare that your options are limitless.

Allow yourself to enjoy being engaged by not focusing on your least favorite details of the proposal. Celebrate with your partner, friends, and family!

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Published by
Chip Chick

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