
Let’s Talk About What You Should Do If You Hate How You Were Proposed To

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Along with their wedding day, many women spend a lot of time daydreaming about their marriage proposal. Whether it’s big and romantic or small and sentimental, most brides-to-be have an idea of how they’d like their partner to ask for their hand.

Unfortunately, planning out every detail of a moment that’s out of your control can set you up for disappointment when it finally happens.

And what do you do in the event that you don’t like how you were proposed to?

Determine What You Didn’t Like

What is it about your proposal that left you feeling disappointed? Was it something that you will likely get over in time or something that will require a conversation with your partner in order to move past?

For example, if you specifically asked your partner to ask for your father’s blessing or to be sure to hire a photographer for the proposal, and it didn’t happen, maybe it’s worth talking to your partner about.

But if a smaller aspect disappointed you, that your partner would have never known you wanted, then perhaps it’s best to let it go.

It’s Okay If It Wasn’t Like The Movies

Rom-coms and the internet have a way of romanticizing proposals up to the nines, showcasing them as extravagantly planned out moments that are straight out of a fairytale.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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